How it work?

Baby Nest 2in1

  • multifunctional product
  • "grow up" with a baby
  • replaceable mattresses - change the pattern whenever you like
  • different colours to choose
  • it works like a nest and bumper
  • easy to wash


Portable and safe nest

Use the nest as a safe cradle. You can keep it on the couch, on the bed, etc., so that your baby will always be within your reach. The nest protects baby from bumps and falling out during sleep. The nest is stiff and solid, you can carry a child in it.


Interchangeable mattresses

The nest consists of an exchangeable mattress and a solid braided protector fastened to each other with properly sewn ribbons. You can exchange mattress designs whenever you want. The nest will never get boring!


Braided Crip Bumper

When your baby stops lying in a nest, you can untie the braid from the mattress and put it in the crib. In this way, your nest"grows up" with your child and will serve you much longer than a traditional nest.

How it work?

  • multifunctional product
  • "grow up" with a baby
  • replaceable mattresses - change the pattern whenever you like
  • different colours to choose
  • it works like a nest and bumper
  • easy to wash
  • modny design


Używaj kokonu jako bezpiecznej kołyski. Możesz trzymać go na kanapie, na łóżku itp. Malec będzie zawsze w zasięgu Twego wzroku. Kokon ochroni go przed uderzeniami i wypadnięciem. Jest sztywny i solidny, możesz przenosić w nim dziecko.


The nest consists of an exchangeable mattress and a solid braided protector fastened to each other with properly sewn ribbons. You can exchange mattress designs whenever you want. The nest will never get boring!


Gdy Twój Maluszek przestanie mieścić się w kokonie, możesz odwiązać Warkocz od materacyka i umieścić go w łóżeczku. Tym sposobem produkt będzie Wam służył o wiele dłużej niż tradycyjne niemowlęce gniazdko.